
Schimmel piano t189
Schimmel piano t189

schimmel piano t189 schimmel piano t189

However, the results for peripheral smear assessment improved only marginally. It has increased from 38,40,40 per cent in 1992 to 85, 90,94.7 per cent in 2006 for Hb, TLC, reticulocyte count, respectively. An improvement in the overall percentage of laboratories with acceptable reports was seen during the study period. The performance of individual laboratories was assessed using robust Z score, which is an indicator of acceptability of the test result. The samples were prepared in our laboratory according to the International Standards Organization (ISO) guidelines.

schimmel piano t189

This study conducted at the Department of Haematology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, which has been conducting an EPTP since 1992, was undertaken to assess the efficacy of this programme in improving the performance of participating laboratories in reporting test samples sent for Hb, total leucocyte count (TLC), reticulocyte count and assessment of peripheral blood smear (PBS). Saxena, Renu Katoch, S C Srinivas, Upendra Rao, Seema Anand, HemaĪ reliable and reproducible report from a laboratory needs internal quality control within the laboratory and participation in external proficiency testing programmes (EPTP). Impact of external haematology proficiency testing programme on quality of laboratories.

Schimmel piano t189